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The National Palace Museum, in its effort to forge connections between the museum and local communities, international audiences, the public, industries, arts, and daily life, has collaborated with renowned century-old Taiwanese businesses: Wang Tea, Li Ting Xiang, and LSY(Lam SamYick), to co-create a brand that blends modernity with tradition, producing unique cultural and creative merchandise.

When friends from a thousand years ago gathered, they would set cups adrift on flowing water, sipping wine, enjoying the view, and practicing calligraphy. A fine tea from over eight hundred years ago was about delicately sipping the foam that floated atop the brew. A prized pastry from three hundred years ago was all about perfect pairings, the kind of royal delicacy that was neither excessive nor frivolous.
The theme "Long Long Time Space" embodies the emotions and passage of time, representing a space that captures the essence of "past, now, and future." In this unique time-space, moments and things that are romantically nuanced and worth savoring are distilled.

To encapsulate the romantic moments of tea-drinking, pastry-eating, and writing and to convey the intended product design's essence to consumers, we’ve adopted "Romantic & Timelessly Classic" as the main concept of this product development. "Romantic" refers to memories of youth, moments of passion, and instances of joy, while "Timelessly Classic" alludes to the combination of millennia-old artifacts from the National Palace Museum and the centennial legacy of Taiwanese businesses.

文創商品開發 - 故宮 x 有記名茶


宋 范寬谿山行旅
元 倪瓚容膝齋圖
清 泥金龍藏經


National Palace Museum x Wang Tea

National Treasure Oolong Tea Set :
Mirroring the prestige of the National Palace Museum's famed "Dragon Hidden Scriptures," this tea set aligns with Wang Tea's unique tea-making method. Inspired by the revered pieces, Fan Kuan's "Travelers Among Mountains and Streams" and Ni Zan's "Rong Knee Studio," this set evokes a sensory resonance of oolong's aromatic allure. Wang Tea's "Chi Chong Oolong Tea Set" is a blend of a century-old tea-making tradition, showcasing the museum's rare treasures and offering a feast for both the palate and eyes.

大小錯落、活潑可愛的團花紋是康熙、雍正、乾隆流行的裝飾紋樣,成為清宮器物上超IN的新花樣。有記「龍團花球茶」以清宮時尚又活潑的團花紋樣點綴,盛裝傳承百年傳統製茶工法- 團揉的茶球。讓喝茶,成為一種浪漫驚喜!

故宮選品|清乾隆 畫琺瑯球花提梁卣

Oolong Tea Bags with Floral Patterns bag :
The lively and playful ball flower pattern, popular during the reigns of Emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, became the trendy design for Qing Dynasty artifacts. Wang Tea's "Oolong Tea Bags with Floral Patterns bag" features this fashionable and vibrant pattern, using traditional hand-rolled tea balls, turning tea-drinking into a romantic surprise.

有記名茶嚴選北臺灣包種茶,以輕焙火精製,沖泡時香氣自然洋溢,滿室生香;茶梗—即茶葉的葉梗,更是茶湯裡韻味的重要來源之一,喝一杯茶梗茶,足以令人難忘豐富飽滿的茶香滋味。有記「仕女有梗茶包 meme」將故宮院藏仇英《漢宮春曉》春日早晨仕女日常,化作九款不同對話框的趣味迷因文山包種茶包,並將畫中的畫師變身為「梗王」,打造一款茶梗茶驚喜包。一盒十款別出心裁的茶包,讓你與朋友創造專屬的迷因、共享一杯好茶!

故宮選品|明 仇英 漢宮春曉

meme Wenshan Pouchong Tea - meme tea bag :
Featuring carefully selected Pouchong tea from Northern Taiwan, this tea offers a naturally fragrant aroma when brewed. The tea stalks add a unique depth of flavor to the brew. Wang Tea's "meme Wen Shan Pouchong Tea" presents a delightful collection of memes based on the National Palace Museum's painting "Spring Dawn in the Han Palace" transforming the painter into the "King of Memes." Each pack offers ten uniquely designed tea bags, allowing you to share a cup of tea with friends and create personalized memes.

文創商品開發 - 故宮 x 李亭香


故宮選品|閩浙總督覺羅滿保康熙58年03月28日奏進臺灣 番檨仔 土產芒果等物摺

National Palace Museum x Li Ting Xiang

Taiwanese Mango Cake Gift Box :
The Taiwanese term for mango, "suāinn-á," became known even to Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty centuries ago. Li Ting Fragrant's "Taiwanese Mango Cake Gift Box" reinvokes the beauty of this fruit, using ripe Aiwen mangoes from Tainan, and traditional methods to make the cakes. The result is a sweet, tangy, and luscious delicacy reminiscent of what royalty might have savored.

故宮院藏鏤雕象牙雲龍紋套球,有鬼功球、同心球美稱,球內套球、逐層鏤空,每層刻上極精緻圖案花紋,層層都能旋轉、獨立鑑賞,合而為巧奪天工的藝術品,李亭香「同心餅」取李亭香鎮店之寶- 27 層餅皮之「平西餅」,以古法代代相傳、層層相疊,呼應故宮同心球,獻上百年同心的手做溫度。

故宮選品|清 十九世紀 廣東鏤雕象牙雲龍紋套球

Concentric Hearts Cake :
National Palace Museum's"Set of carved openwork concentric ivory balls with cloud-and-dragon decoration" known for its layers that can rotate independently, Li Ting Xiang's "Concentric Hearts Cake" embodies the essence of their signature 27-layer "Pingxi Cake." This traditional method, passed down through generations, mirrors the artistry of the museum's artifact, symbolizing a century of unified craftsmanship.

康熙、雍正、乾隆皇帝喜歡大膽創新器物,在清宮藝品上大玩「團花」紋飾!「團花」是多種花卉轉化成兩兩相疊、輻射狀的花樣,相傳受到日本蒔繪的影響。時至乾隆時期,團花紋更鮮明、顏色更活潑,成為潮流時尚的新紋飾。李亭香「花漾綠豆糕」將百年滋味玩出浪漫新花樣,6 款各自美麗的故宮團花紋,搭配一盒花樣餐巾紙,讓下午茶時光很不一樣!

故宮選品|清 乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯花口蓋碗

Floral Mung Bean Cake :
Emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong were known for their bold and innovative designs, especially the "Tuanhua" (group flower) pattern which is believed to have been influenced by Japanese art. By the Qianlong era, the design became even more vibrant and trendy. Li Ting Xiang's "Floral Mung Bean Cake" is a playful twist on a century-old flavor, with six different patterns from the museum's collection, making your tea time an extraordinary experience.

文創商品開發 - 故宮 x 林三益



National Palace Museum x LSY (Lam SamYick)

Master Calligraphy Set :
Featuring distinct masterpieces from the National Palace Museum( Poem of Fragrance by Huizong, Autobiography by Huaisu, Hall of Pines and Wind by Huang Tingjian, Cold Food Observance by Su Shih ), LSY, with a century-old brush-making technique, creates brushes that best represent the calligraphy styles. The outer box is named after selected characters from the masterpieces and designed according to the calligraphy style, enhancing the prestige of the brush set. LSY's brushes are handcrafted by skilled masters using the most suitable hair materials, aiming to set the standard for timeless calligraphy.

浪漫集字 萬用臨帖毛筆文具組:



Romantic Calligraphy - Multi-purpose Calligraphy Set :
Based on the flower patterns from the cloisonné pot with a spherical body and handle from the National Palace Museum and the writings of Wang Xizhi, LSY's "Romantic Calligraphy Multi-purpose Calligraphy Set" showcases the beauty of ink and brush. It allows enthusiasts to effortlessly imitate classics, making learning calligraphy fun. The hand-written cards can be mailed to share the warmth of handwritten notes and the romance of classics with loved ones.

相傳 4 是文昌星代表數字,書桌擺放 4 支毛筆,就能提升考運。林三益「欽定一甲第一名筆組」以故宮院藏《欽定一甲第一名殿試策》設計典雅的文昌筆組,盒身24 公分,正好為順利通過考試的「順科」之數,步步高升的筆座,上面安置四款具有增添智慧的文昌筆,整體具有學運大開之意,盒身可放准考證或學生證,祝福莘莘學子學業進步、節節高升!



Supreme Scholar's Brush Set :
It is said that the number 4 represents the Scholar Star. Placing 4 brushes on the desk can enhance one's luck in examinations. LSY's "Supreme Scholar Brush Set" is elegantly designed based on the "First Rank Scholar's Examination Papers" from the National Palace Museum. The box, measuring 24 cm - signifying success in exams, holds four brushes symbolizing wisdom. The set represents academic success, with space in the box for student ID or exam entry tickets, wishing students academic excellence.


Community IP Creation/Management(Model sheet by uj Hsu)


Documentary Film Content :
This project, primarily documentary in nature, involved long hours of filming. With diverse content and varied opinions, a chronological edit might seem formulaic. To maintain focus and authenticity, in true documentary spirit, a mix of scenes was used to convey a sense of time. Starting with the old store itself, interviews with representatives conveyed their experiences and development sentiments. The material was skillfully woven between interviews, emphasizing authenticity and collaboration.

1. 臺灣老店文創代表作品案一分鐘紀實宣傳片:
Taiwanese centennial legacy shops co-create creative products

2. 有記名茶「茶香 一份看得見的美好」150秒短片-
Wang Tea "Tea Aroma: A Tangible Beauty" (150s):

3. 李亭香「餅 拉近你我關係的信物」150秒短片-
Li Ting Xiang "Biscuit: A Token Drawing Us Closer"(150s) :

4.林三益「手寫的浪漫 難以取代」150秒短片
LSY(Lam SamYick) "The Irreplaceable Romance of Handwriting"(150s):

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