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2023 移動 · 花聚落

2022 Wanjin Azalea: Flower Cluster | New Taipei City Government, Agriculture Bureau

背景 Background 全台景觀杜鵑苗木搖籃地品牌創生

The Birth of a Brand for the Primary Source of Taiwan's Landscape Azalea Seedlings.
Wanli and Jinshan districts in New Taipei City are Taiwan's azalea seedling hubs, supplying 80% of the country’s stock with a leading 300+ varieties. Since 2021, the city’s Agriculture Department has been promoting the "Wanjin Azalea" brand, aiming to make it a flagship industry for the region.


2023 Movable Flower Settlement
A carnival-like flower viewing extravaganza
The "Mobile Flower Cluster" special exhibition at the Wanjin Azalea Flower Show continues the excellent reputation of the 2022 "Flower Cluster" exhibition. The theme for the 2023 Wanjin Azalea Flower Show is "Mobile Flower Cluster," which incorporates symbols of the local community's six decades of toil such as agricultural vehicles and fishing boats. Unique mobile azalea flower carts and boats are created to bring the beautiful memories of flower gatherings 'to life.' The exhibition also broadly invites artists from various fields and local flower farmers to collaborate and create diverse, integrated, and creative azalea artworks, together building an annual carnival.


以「移動花聚落」為主題,讓花農與藝術家跨界合作,CNFlower西恩創辦人凌宗湧、 GIOIA PAN品牌主理人潘怡良設計師、裸岩空間設計主持人李約德、食養山房創辦人林炳輝、莊記茶業莊鎔璞、裏山主理人沈映仁、裏山花藝師江謝保、cizoo囍樹設計師嘉孝、王芝齡、小亨利木工王宏亨、柏成設計邱柏文、王菱檥、明室意念陳敏佳攝影師、薰衣草森林董事長王村煌、和信景觀創辦人何世棟、資深媒體人陳文茜、B-STUDIO陳秉信建築師、虹鋼鍛藝設計周視民、WAYPOINT創辦人羅威士、萬里高家繡球花田農主高逢謙、滿園苑景觀柯紜涵、景觀設計師潘一如、花藝師蔡斯丞及郭雅欣等國內各界知名藝術家們一同共襄盛舉,創意花火、精彩絕倫!
Event Highlight 01
The Strong Ones Unite | Gathering of International Artists
The theme of "Mobile Flower Cluster" promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration between flower farmers and artists. The founder of CNFlower, Alfie Lin; designer of GIOIA PAN; head of zero stone design room taipei, Li Yue De; founder of
Shi-Yang Culture Restaurant , Lin Binghui; Zhuangs' tea enterprise company, Zhuang Rongpu ; principal of Satoyama, Shen Yingren; floral artist Jiang Xiebao of Satoyama ; designer Jiaxiao from cizoo; Wang Zhiling; Wang Hongheng from Henrywoodcraft; Johnny Chiu, fromPresent JC. Architecture & Design; Wang Lingyi; photographer Chen Minjia from Ming's Room Ideas; Wang Cunhuang, chairman of Lavender Cottage; founder of LOTUS LANDSCAP, He Shidong; senior media personality Chen Wenqian; architect Chen Bingxin from B-STUDIO; Zhou Shimin from Hong Steel Art Design; founder of WAYPOINT, Luo Weishi; the floriculturist Gao Fengqian of Wanli Gao Family Hydrangea Farm; landscape designer Ke Yunhan from Man Yuan Garden; landscape designer Pan Yiru; and floral artists Cai Sicheng and Guo Yaxin, among other renowned artists from various fields in the country, all join together for this grand event, stimulating exceptionally brilliant creativity.

「湧萬金」 聖泉打造 最美賞杜鵑秘境

萬金杜鵑與 CNFlower創辦人凌宗湧合作,以藝術結合在地各式杜鵑、生態植物、景石與源源不絕的山泉流水,打造流瀑及「湧萬金」噴泉,為全台最美杜鵑秘境,希望大家來到萬金賞杜鵑同時,還能到此許下願望,一起湧(擁)萬金!
Event Highlight 02
"Surge Wanjin " - A Sacred Fountain Crafting the Most Beautiful Azalea Viewing Spot
In collaboration with CNFlower's founder Ling Zongyong, the Wanjin Azalea event integrates art with local varieties of azaleas, ecological plants, landscape rocks, and the perpetual flow of mountain springs. The creation of cascading waterfalls and the "Surge Wanjin " fountain has made it the most beautiful secret azalea spot in Taiwan. Visitors to Wanjin are invited not only to admire the azaleas but also to make a wish , joining in the prosperity of Wanjin!!

國際塗鴉藝術家 荷蘭X西班牙FLEKS&ORBITA
Event Highlight 03
International Graffiti Artists from the Netherlands and Spain: FLEKS & ORBITA
International graffiti artists FLEKS and ORBITA have adorned Wanjin with their azalea graffiti, with works scattered throughout the area. In 2023, we are collaborating with these artists once again to unleash their creativity along the Azalea Viewing Path in the exhibition area. They will transform azalea petals into guiding blossoms, connecting the vibrant azalea scenery along the banks of the Maruo Creek. This collaboration aims to make the Wanjin Azaleas feel both more local and more international.

Event Highlight 04
2023 Mobile Flower Cluster| Series of Videos

萬金杜鵑 - 2023「移動花聚落」前導影片
Wanjin Azalea - 2023 "Mobile Flower Cluster" Teaser Video

萬金杜鵑 - 2023「移動花聚落」實況紀實
Wanjin Azalea - 2023 "Mobile Flower Cluster" Live Documentary

萬金杜鵑 - 2023「移動花聚落」設計理念 feat. CNFlower 凌宗勇 老師
Wanjin Azalea - 2023 "Mobile Flower Cluster" Design Concept feat. Teacher Ling Zongyong of CNFlower


透過機動性高、可移動的花車(Flowers Car)概念,將2022留在民眾回憶中美好的花聚落「動起來」,讓花展區域,隨著萬里母親之河瑪鋉溪,伴著萬金杜鵑花的春色、綿延溪畔。


設計師與花農共同實現「移動.花聚落」,將展品前進大安 。
Event Highlight 05
Bilateral Collaboration | Advancing to Taipei Azalea Season
With the highly mobile ( Flower car ) concept, the cherished Flower Cluster from 2022 is set in motion, bringing the flower exhibition area to life along the Maruo Creek, the source river in Wanli, with Wanjin Azaleas' spring colors enhancing the creekside.
With over 100,000 visitors and great reviews, the exhibit was invited to Daan Forest Park for the Taipei Azalea Festival, embodying a "Mobile Flower Cluster."
To relocate the exhibition area to Daan, artists also adapted their works to the environment, presenting a different look. In terms of azalea species selection, Daan
Forest Park mainly showcased the "Rhododendron indicum," differing from the "Rhododendron pulchrum" at the Wanli exhibition area.

To allow the public to enjoy flower exhibitions of different styles and varieties, Wanjin Azaleas advanced to Daan with full sincerity!
Designers and flower farmers together realize "Mobile Flower Cluster," moving the exhibits forward to Daan.

"Daan Forest Park x Wanjin Azalea" non-stop night viewing

專屬活動網頁|萬金杜鵑官方網站 Offcial Website
Event Highlight 06 | Wanjin Azalea Official Website


Event Highlight 07
Exclusive Wanjin Azalea Promotional Materials
​​【Floral-Patterned Wishing Coin】
When visiting Wanli for the flower viewing, you can also use wishing coins at "Surge Wanjin" to make a wish, joining in the prosperity of Wanjin!

【Farming Pouch】
The Wanjin Azalea 'Exclusively Yours' farming pouch lets you, in your leisure, meticulously follow the guidelines and procedures to delight in the thrilling mysteries of cultivating life.


Chill at the Azalea Farm for a Day in Autumn
Azalea Autumn Filter x Azalea Artisan Life Experience
Use filters, share on social networks, and get a chance to join the azalea farming experience for free, plus receive a DIY Farming Pouch set!

由返鄉青農二代 蔡承翰、蔡岱凌主領導覽,其父親為金山在地花農 蔡文生
Azalea artisans guide you into the nursery for a fun farming experience.
The tour is led by second-generation young farmers Tsai Cheng-Han and Tsai Dai-Ling, sons of Jinshan's local flower farmer Tsai Wen-Sheng.
They share azalea knowledge with expertise and composure, making it an enjoyable experience for everyone.

(to be continue...)

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